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Saturday, 31 July 2010

Toward A New World Order

Labi-Labi tertarik dengan kiriman "Mail" daripada seorang rakan Labi-Labi tentang Islam dan cara-cara untuk Islam mendapat kembali kegemilangan Islam pada masa dahulu jadi Labi-Labi ingin berkongsi maklumat ini dengan anda semua moga-moga kita mendapat keberkatan daripada Allah SWT.


Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem,

If asked to give a single word that describes the prevailing world scene; the answer in most cases will be - Unrest. If asked the cause or reason behind it; the answer would be - Materialism. Sorry! The answer is wrong. These are merely the symptoms of the ailment called Shirk and the cause is the absence of Khilafah.

True, that the unabashed pursuit of wealth by individuals and nations is the key behind the all pervasive unrest. This pursuit has been triggered because some nations are rich in natural wealth (such as Middle-East, India etc.) while others are poor (such as Europe, USA etc.). Incidentally, the poorer ones are consuming more while producing less. To make their ends meet, the poorer grab it by hook or crook from the rich. Creating an atmosphere of chaos is conducive for the poorer nations as they can plunder without being noticed.

In the years that followed after the passing away of the Rasool Allah (SAW), the Islamic world made unparalleled progress in science, literature, astronomy, mathematics, trade, commerce and political annexation of territories. The bulwark behind this tremendous progress was the strong foundation of Aqeedah in the Muslims laid by Rasool Allah (SWA). This brilliant era continued for more than a millennium. Then came the decline until it was vanquished in March 1924 CE.

Note that the past 83 years (since 1924) have been the playfield of one holocaust after another, one mischief succeeding the other. Oh You Muslims! Take your share of blame. If you would have had a Khalifah today, you would have saved the world from this chaos and in the process of course saved yourself from the disgrace that you face today.

Now, is it possible to once again unify the world under one Allah-fearing ruler? Can Khilafah be re-established on this earth again? YES. Khilafah can surely be re-established but the asking is tough. Can you give up the 'love of this world' and the 'fear of death'? The companions of the Prophet (RA) did it in ample measure and gave the world an unbroken string of Khalifah for 1344 years.

Count our strength:

(i) Most of the Muslims today admit that the rule of Shariah must prevail in their lives - i.e. they must be governed by the Shariah law. This is not possible till we again have an Islamic State with a Khalifah as the unifying head.

(ii) There is a very large population of Muslims spread out all over the world who would form the unflinching subjects of the Khilafat.
(iii) Natural resources are abound in most Muslim countries, which appreciate in value with passage of time. This can act as the material strength of the Khilafat.

(iv) Most Kafir countries have little natural wealth as compared to their industrial or manufactured wealth, which loses value with the passage of time. These countries depend even today upon Muslim countries for the basic raw materials. With the advent of Khilafat, the economies of Kuffar will crumble. Moreover the economies of Kuffar is based on exploitation and hence destined to fail.

(v) Armies of most Muslim countries have faith in Allah and are mentally ready to support a Khalifah. A political change of their corrupt heads-of-state would make them the 'Army of Allah'.

(vi) Armies of most Kafir countries are immoral i.e. drowning in wine and women and are disloyal or at least unconcerned about the goals of their leaders.

(vii) By falsely targeting Muslims today and projecting wrong information as true, the intelligence agencies have left themselves and their Kuffar countries directionless and bewildered.

(viii) Allah will support the Muslim armies with His angels and simultaneously instill fear in the hearts of the Kuffar.

Our weaknesses are:

(i) Our Aqeedah (foundations of Belief in Allah) have weakened. We need to refresh and live by them.

(ii) We have been made to believe by the Kuffar that Khilafah is a primitive concept and not in keeping with the modern times. We must believe that it is indeed the most modern and just form of governance.

(iii) We have accepted the wrong verdict of the Kuffar that Islam does not have a ruling system. The fact is that Islam has a very elaborate ruling system - Administrative, Executive and Judiciary. We have a perfect system for tax collection & distribution of wealth, revenue collection & expenditure of the State, judicial & law enforcement, interpretation & application of Shariah laws to daily life, education policy & propagation of Islam, foreign policy, collection & dissemination of information - name it and we have it. Yes! We do not have a Legislature to make and unmake laws because our laws are made by Allah (SWT) who knows our future needs and therefore He made perfect and immutable rules for all times and all people.

So, Muslim brothers and sisters of the world, awake, rise and stop not till the Khilafah is established.

Wal hamdulilahi Rabbil alameen.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Wong Fei Hung Seorang Islam?

Selama ini kita hanya mengenal Wong Fei Hung sebagai jagoan Kung fu dalam film Once Upon A Time in China . Dalam filem itu, karakter Wong Fei Hung dimainkan oleh aktor terkenal Hong Kong , Jet Li. Namun siapakah sebenarnya Wong Fei Hung?

Wong Fei Hung adalah seorang Ulama, Ahli Perubatan, dan Ahli Beladiri legendaris yang namanya ditetapkan sebagai Pahlawan Nasional China oleh pemerintah China. Namun Pemerintah China sering berupaya mengaburkan jatidiri Wong Fei Hung sebagai seorang muslim demi menjaga imej kekuasaan Komunis di China.

Wong Fei-Hung dilahirkan pada tahun 1847 di Kwantung (Guandong) dari keluarga muslim yang taat. Nama Fei pada Wong Fei Hung merupakan dialek Canton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Fais. Sementara Nama Hung juga merupakan dialek Kanton untuk menyebut nama Arab, Hussein. Jadi, bila di-bahasa-arab- kan, namanya ialah Faisal Hussein Wong.

Ayahnya, Wong Kay-Ying adalah seorang Ulama, dan tabib ahli ilmu penrubatan tradisional, serta ahli beladiri tradisional Tiongkok (wushu/kungfu). Ayahnya memiliki sebuah klinik perubatan bernama Po Chi Lam di Canton (ibukota Guandong). Wong Kay-Ying merupakan seorang ulama yang menguasai ilmu wushu tingkat tinggi. Ketinggian ilmu beladiri Wong Kay-Ying membuatnya dikenal sebagai salah satu dari Sepuluh Macan Kwantung. Posisi Macan Kwantung ini di kemudian hari diwariskannya kepada Wong Fei Hung.

Kombinasi antara pengetahuan ilmu perubatan tradisional dan teknik beladiri serta ditunjang oleh keluhuran budi pekerti sebagai Muslim membuat keluarga Wong sering turun tangan membantu orang-orang lemah dan tertindas pada masa itu. Karena itulah masyarakat Kwantung sangat menghormati dan mengidolakan Keluarga Wong.

Pesakit klinik keluarga Wong yang meminta bantuan perubatan umumnya berasal dari kalangan miskin yang tidak mampu membayar kos perubatan. Walau begitu, Keluarga Wong tetap membantu setiap pesakit yang datang dengan sungguh-sungguh. Keluarga Wong tidak pernah memilih bulu dalam membantu, tanpa memedulikan suku, ras, agama, semua dibantu tanpa pilih kasih. Secara rahsia, keluarga Wong terlibat aktif dalam gerakan bawah tanah melawan pemerintahan Dinasti Ch'in yang rasuah dan penindas. Dinasti Ch'in ialah Dinasti yang merubuhkan kekuasaan Dinasti Yuan yang memerintah sebelumnya. Dinasti Yuan ini dikenal sebagai satu-satunya Dinasti Kaisar Cina yang anggota keluarganya banyak yang memeluk agama Islam.

Wong Fei-Hung mula mengasah bakat beladirinya sejak berguru kepada Luk Ah-Choi yang juga pernah menjadi guru ayahnya. Luk Ah-Choi inilah yang kemudian mengajarnya dasar-dasar jurus Hung Gar yang membuat Fei Hung berjaya melahirkan Jurus Tendangan Tanpa Bayangan yang menjadi lagenda. Dasar-dasar jurus Hung Gar ditemukan, dikembangkan dan merupakan andalan dari Hung Hei-Kwun, abang seperguruan Luk Ah-Choi. Hung Hei-Kwun adalah seorang pendekar Shaolin yang terlepas dari peristiwa pembakaran dan pembantaian oleh pemerintahan Dinasti Ch'in pada 1734.

Hung Hei-Kwun ini adalah pemimpin pemberontakan bersejarah yang hampir mengalahkan dinasti penjajah Ch'in yang datang dari Manchuria (sekarang kita mengenalnya sebagai Korea ). Jika saja pemerintah Ch'in tidak meminta bantuan pasukan-pasukan bersenjata bangsa asing (Rusia, Inggris, Jepun), pemberontakan pimpinan Hung Hei-Kwun itu nescaya akan berjaya mengusir pendudukan Dinasti Ch'in.

Setelah berguru kepada Luk Ah-Choi, Wong Fei-Hung kemudian berguru pada ayahnya sendiri hingga pada awal usia 20-an tahun, ia telah menjadi ahli perubatan dan beladiri terkemuka. Bahkan ia berjaya mengembangkannya menjadi lebih maju. Kemampuan beladirinya semakin sulit ditandingi ketika ia berhasil membuat jurus baru yang sangat taktis namun efisien yang dinamakan Jurus Cakar Macan dan Jurus Sembilan Pukulan Khusus. Selain dengan tangan kosong, Wong Fei-Hung juga mahir menggunakan bermacam-macam senjata. Masyarakat Canton pernah menyaksikan langsung dengan mata kepala mereka sendiri bagaimana ia seorang diri dengan hanya memegang tongkat berjaya menewaskan lebih dari 30 orang jagoan pelabuhan berbadan kekar dan kejam di Canton yang mengeroyoknya karana ia membela rakyat miskin yang akan mereka peras.

Dalam kehidupan keluarga, Allah banyak mengujinya dengan berbagai cobaan. Seorang anaknya terbunuh dalam suatu insiden perkelahian dengan mafia Canton . Wong Fei-Hung tiga kali menikah karena isteri-isterinya meninggal dalam usia pendek. Setelah isteri ketiganya meninggal, Wong Fei-Hung memutuskan untuk hidup sendiri sampai kemudian ia bertemu dengan Mok Gwai Lan, seorang perempuan muda yang kebetulan juga ahli beladiri. Mok Gwai Lan ini kemudian menjadi pasangan hidupnya hingga akhir hayat. Mok Gwai Lan turut mengajar beladiri pada kelas khusus perempuan di perguruan suaminya.

Pada 1924 Wong Fei-Hung meninggal dalam usia 77 tahun. Masyarakat Cina, khususnya di Kwantung dan Canton mengenangnya sebagai pahlawan pembela kaum mustad'afin (tertindas) yang tidak pernah gentar membela kehormatan mereka. Siapapun dan berapapun jumlah orang yang menindas orang miskin, akan dilawannya dengan segenap kekuatan dan keberanian yang dimilikinya.Wong Fei-Hung meninggal dengan meninggalkan nama harum yang membuatnya dikenal sebagai manusia yang hidup mulia, salah satu pilihan hidup yang diberikan Allah kepada seorang muslim selain mati Syahid. Semoga segala amal ibadahnya diterima di sisi Allah Swt dan semoga segala kebaikannya menjadi teladan bagi kita, generasi muslim yang hidup setelahnya. Amiin.


Kenapa Aku Tak Penah Tahu Pun~

Kadang-Kadang kita dah pernah dengar FAKTA-FAKTA ini..tapi kita tak sedar pun kan..Labi-Labi pun telah menginsafkan diri dengan mengepos "entry" ini khas untuk pembaca BLOG LABI-LABI

12 Fakta-Fakta Yang Menarik Untuk Kita

1) Labi-Labi penulis blog ini bukan wanita

2)bom terkuat di dunia ,bom hidrogen yang diletupkan di Socorro, New Mexico, diberi nama 'trinity'.namun ianya diharamkan penggunaannya sejurus selepas mereka selesai meletupkannya.

3)batu @ galian yang menyerap radiasi bom 'Trinity' dinamakan 'Tritenite'

4)mata yang anda lihat pada watak kartun@anime jepun sebenarnya berasal dari mata ikan.

5)gelaran 'TUN' adalah gelaran yang paling tinggi sekali justeru ianya tidak boleh dikurniakan kepada lebih dari 25 penerima yang masih hidup.

6)TUN Abdul Razak Hussein dan Tun Hussein Onn adalah antara penuntut silat seni gayong yang paling dikenali ramai.

7)kebanyakkan barangan global dihasilkan di malaysia. Antaranya adalah chip Intel Pentium (ya..yang ada dalam komputer dan laptop anda tue...).

8)ramai yang mengatakan album siti nurhaliza adalah yang paling laris di malaysia tapi kumpulan nashid Raihan adalah pemegang rekod sebenar bagi album terlaris di malaysia dengan jualan 700,000 unit album 'Puji-Pujian'

9)restoren mcdonald's adalah pembekal mainan paling banyak di dunia.

10)cuba teka binatang apakah yang paling berbahaya di dunia..singa?,gajah?,ular?,jerung?,.semuanya salah.jawapan sebenarnya adalah lalat.(yer lalat yang selalu hinggap kat makanan korang tue) kerana lalat selalu hinggap dekat 'buangan' haiwan lain dan menyebarkan lebih banyak penyakit berbanding binatang lain.

11)super glue sebenarnya dicipta dengan tidak sengaja.saintis sebenarnya mahu mencipta bahan yang menyalut bahan optic (seperti contact lenses) dengan meletakkan super glue antara dua prism dan menghalakan lampu padanya.namun apabila saintis itu cuba mengasingkan kedua-dua prism tersebut ia tidak dapat dipisahkan (mujurlah dia tak teruskan ujikaji nie kalau tidak hancus mate pengguna contact lenses iyer??)

12)ramai orang setuju yang sebenarnya beruk lebih kacak dari manusia.anda tidak percaya?cuba anda tanya pada seseorang 'antara aku dengan beruk mane satu lebih kacak?'
(jika ada antara mereka jawap 'anda',mereka adalah antara orang yang paling baik hati.hehehe)

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Paul Sotong Psikik

July 6: Octopus Paul fixes the Spanish box during his oracle for the semifinal match at the World Cup in South Africa between Germany and Spain in the SeaLife Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. Paul predicted all German matches during the World Cup 100 percent right. Octopus oracle Paul is predicting Germany will be defeated by Spain at the World Cup semifinal. Sea Life Aquarium's spokesman Daniel Fey said Tuesday that the famous mollusk from Oberhausen chose a mussel from a glass tank marked with a Spanish flag, while ignoring the tank marked with the German colors - indicating a Spanish victory in Wednesday's semifinal. (SUMBER DARI AP)

Apa pandangan para pembaca tentang ini??
bagi Labi-Labi hal ini masih menjadi tanda tanya kepada seluruh makhluk di atas muka bumi tak kira kaki judi, penyokong bola spain, germany, n bookie bolasepak pasti menanti-nanti keputusan ramalan dari sotong kurita ini..
walaubagaimanapun. Labi-Labi tak boleh komen banyak-banyak ar sebab En.Sotong Kurita ini adalah salah satu daripada ahli lembaga hidupan Marin..so Labi-Labi takmahu ar komen banyak-banyak nanti kena gam da~~huhu

neway chowz..jumpe lgi..
semoga anda menanti spain vs germany nanti..

Friday, 2 July 2010

A United Muslim World

Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem,

When one thinks of the Muslim world, it conjures up images of poverty, corruption and war. Many negative connotations exist about the state of the Muslim world which continues to occupy news space and newspapers. The global media tends to neglect the achievements of the Muslim world and the contributions it made to humanity. The Muslim world has a rich history of development and discovery, the results of which are being reaped today.

Over the last decade, the call for a united Islamic world i.e. the Khilafah has gained momentum and this momentum continues to grow. The possibility of a united Muslim world behind one ruler (Khaleefah) is something that the Muslim Ummah can achieve as this was achieved in the past and even western historians have testified to this fact. The Muslim lands currently posses:

• The Largest population in the world, 1.6 billion
• Largest army in the world
• Control of half of the world’s oil and many other natural resources
• Control key strategic naval straits (A third of the world’s oil travels through the straits of Hormuz which is between Iran and UAE) and airspace
• Largest land mass
• Nuclear weapons

The golden period of the Ummah saw many technological developments. Muslims utilised technology which Europe at that time could not even dream of. For example, some of the technology we take for granted today would not have existed if mathematical concepts such as algebra did not develop during the golden period of Islam. Computers which are used today would not have been possible if mathematical concepts such as algorithms did not exist. Many scholars such as Donald Routledge Hill express the view that Islam was the driving force behind the Muslim achievements while Robert Briffault even sees Islamic science as the foundation of modern science.

Oliver Joseph Lodge wrote in the Pioneers of Science: “The only effective link between the old and the new science is afforded by the Arabs (Muslims). The dark ages come as an utter gap in the scientific history of Europe, and for more than a thousand years there was not a scientific man of note except in Arabia”

Through the application of Islam, the Ummah was bound by the Islamic systems, this allowed Muslims and non-Muslims to live in peace and security. The Muslim Ummah has to return to its previous position, the one of leadership and honour as this is the only position that will save the Muslim Ummah from the crisis it is currently facing.

If the Khilafah existed today, it would embrace technology, develop an economy that distributes wealth efficiently and establish law and order. The key to a successful state is to have a government that actually takes care of its citizens, as this will allow the Ummah to make advances since their basic needs are being taken care of. Islam makes it an obligation upon the ruler to fulfil the rights of its citizens and this is the reason why the Khilafah was successful in the past. The Khilafah will make use of its resources so that the needs of its citizens are met. Whereas today, the Ummah with its great reserves of mineral resources labours in poverty. No individual or company will have a monopoly over basic utilities that are essential to the Khilafah such as the water sources and oil wells because the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud:

“The people are partners in three things: water, green pastures and fire (energy).”

The Muslim lands have no shortage of energy resources; however most of the Muslim lands suffer from load shedding and crumbling infrastructure. The majority of the Muslim world faces an energy crisis. The root problem of the energy crisis within the Muslim world is the attempts by many governments in privatising such resources. Privatisation has lead to increased prices of such basic commodities which ensures the masses labour in poverty. The Khilafah brings its assets together and develops the necessary infrastructure so that the citizens of the Khilafah can benefit from them. The large oil reserves (56% of world oil reserves are in the Middle East, Source: EIA) which exist in the Middle East will be used to fulfil the basic energy requirements of the citizens of the Khilafah as energy commodities will be transferred to all parts of the state. This energy policy is one example of what the Khilafah can do to develop

A number of Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey have developed aspects of their industry that has allowed them to make technological advancements, especially in their military industries.

Pakistan has been successful in developing defence hardware such as cruise missiles which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, aircrafts and the famous Al – Khalid tank (ranked 7th amongst tanks). If the Muslim armies were to unite under one leader, this army would be the largest army in the world with a force of over 3 million personnel.

The Muslim lands have many strengths and advantages. One key advantage that a united Muslim world has, is control over strategic international airspace and naval straits. During the time of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih, the Muslims had control over the straits of Bosphorus and ships of other nations could only pass through the Bosphorus if the Islamic state gave permission. In the same way the Khilafah will have control over key strategic straits such as the Bosphorus and Hormuz and control over the airspace that comes under the lands it controls; hence the Khilafah will decide which nation can travel through its straits and fly over its airspace. As a result countries such as the US will find it hard to launch attacks on the Muslim world as the Khilafah will restrict American manoeuvrability.

If the US was not allowed to pass through the straits of Hormuz and use the airspace of Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, it would have been very difficult for the US to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighter Jets cannot fly non-stop from the US to Iraq or Afghanistan, hence the US requires local air bases and aircraft carriers for its operations.

The Khilafah will face many challenges on its emergence and this cannot be underestimated. Due to this, achieving technological development and improving the current situation of the Muslim world will take time, however the key issue is that a united Muslim world has the potential to become a super power. In the current climate the Muslim world has achieved certain milestones and if a sincere Islamic leadership arises, this leadership will guide the Muslim world to new heights and the Khilafah will become the beacon of light for the whole of mankind InshAllah.

The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Indeed Allah gathered up the earth for me so that I saw its eastern and western parts, and indeed the dominion of my Ummah will reach what was gathered up for me from it.” [Sahih Muslim]

Wal hamdulilahi Rabbil alameen.
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